BIMS 6000: Core Course in Integrative Biosciences
All first year BIMS students take this 12-week immersive survey of cell and molecular biology, genetics, and biochemistry, which is designed to equip trainees with knowledge and skill sets required for successful pursuit of further biomedical research training. This integration is essential to the training of scientists who will be increasingly challenged to utilize interdisciplinary approaches to attack biomedical problems. These curricular elements also serve as pillars that Immunology Training Program students will subsequently use to ground their nascent understanding of the intricate workings of the immune system. This course combines didactic lectures with small group and individual learning activities, problem solving exercises, workshops, and hands-on analyses of data sets that unite cognitive and behavioral learning. Group activities include exercises in a lab setting, critical discussion of journal readings, constructing and deconstructing components of experimental design, etc. The Core Course is designed to inspire students and facilitate their development as creative and analytical scientific thinkers. Students are assessed through short quizzes, writing assignments, problem sets, and an oral final exam.