A Commitment to Immunology

Investigators at the Carter Immunology Center seek a fundamental understanding of how the immune system works in order to develop the revolutionary new treatments focused on controlling the immune response for major diseases such as cancer, heart disease and asthma.

Immunological research is intensely multi-disciplinary and ideally collaborative, relying on well-trained immunologists interacting with researchers in other biomedical disciplines. These considerations drive our organization and educational programs. We identify, train, and support the career paths of the next generation of immunology researchers.

Jie Sun, PhD, of the Carter Immunology Center Earns $3.1 Million to Study How Overactive T Cells May Contribute to Ongoing Lung Damage
Jie Sun, PhD, of the Carter Immunology Center Earns $3.1 Million to Study How Overactive T Cells May Contribute to Ongoing Lung Damage

Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor Jie Sun, PhD, in the Department of Medicine’s Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health and the Beirne B. Carter Center for Immunology Research, earns a $3.1 million grant from the National Institutes of Health for … Read More