CIC Co-Hosts 2024 Immunology Research Day

The 2024 internal UVA Immunology Research Day symposium was held on November 21. The event was held jointly by the Beirne B. Carter Center for Immunology Research (CIC), the Center for Brain Immunology and Glia (BIG), and the Center for Immunity, Inflammation, and Regenerative Medicine (CIIR). The teamwork between these groups needed to plan the occasion underscored the theme of the event: “Strengthening the UVA Network.” Researchers from each organization presented their work with the goal of fostering new collaborations and understanding across the immunology research community at UVA. Following a welcome statement by Ukpong Eyo, PhD, sixteen pre- and postdoctoral immunologists gave research presentations. Six trainees also gave five-minute “thesis slam” talks, which challenged them to present their research with minimal jargon and a single slide. During lunch, 52 students presented research posters.

The keynote speaker, Judith Woodfolk, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Asthma, Allergy, and Clinical Immunology, reinforced the themes of connection and collaboration in her talk. She spoke about the COVID-19 research being done at UVA that has been facilitated by the University’s Biorepository & Tissue Research Facility. Dr. Woodfolk chairs the Biorepository’s COVID-19 Biospecimen subcommittee and has been widely credited for quickly recognizing the need to collect samples from both ill and recovered patients early in the COVID pandemic. The research Dr. Woodfolk presented cut across many research teams, disciplines, and methods. A dinner reception and awards ceremony followed her presentation.

Six trainees received awards for delivering exceptional research talks at the event. At the end of each session, attendees were invited to vote for the “People’s Choice” award for that session. Additionally, judges from each research center selected one oral presentation and one poster presentation to receive recognition. The winners were:

Oral Presentations
People’s Choice

  • Harish Narasimhan (CIC)
  • Blandine Baffert, PhD (CIIR)
  • Aida Lopez (BIG)

Center Awards

  • Audrey Brown, PhD (CIC)
  • Claire Williams (CIC)
  • Sam Wachamo (BIG)

Poster Presentations
Center Awards

  • Audrey Putelo (CIC)
  • Abigayle Duffy (BIG)
  • Lily Silverman (CIIR)