Taking a break from their cutting-edge research, students and faculty of the Carter Immunology Center gathered on October 18th for the first Carter Immunology Tournament Series, organized by the CIC Committee for Social Events. The Sun, Sperling, McNamara, Anderson, Taylor, Zegarra-Ruiz, Hahn, and Zimring research groups competed in volleyball, cornhole, badminton, ladder toss, and spikeball. The Anderson Lab team, the Killer Flowers, currently leads the competition, but two additional events are planned for November 15th and December 13th from 3:00 – 5:00 PM in the MR5-MR6 Courtyard. Lab teams not currently registered may do so here. Refreshments will be provided.

CIC Faculty Kristin Anderson, PhD, and Daniel Zegarra-Ruiz, PhD, compete in cornhole with their students.