University Awards Rapid Response Research Grants to Combat COVID-19
From developing a new COVID-19 diagnostic test, to seeking ways to reduce pandemic-induced anxiety, to studying the effects of the disease on rural communities and beyond, University of Virginia researchers are seeking to ease the new health crisis using rapid response grants provided by UVA’s Global Infectious Diseases Institute and the Office of the Vice President for Research.
“To fight this pandemic, it’s important for us to use all our resources, and develop innovative and creative solutions,” said Melur “Ram” Ramasubramanian, vice president for research. “We felt that seed funding, provided as quickly as possible, was important to help mobilize UVA researchers to explore solutions for the cure and prevention of COVID-19.”
Institute director Alison Criss, a professor of microbiology, immunology and cancer biology, added, “Addressing outbreaks of pandemic potential is one of the Global Infectious Diseases Institute’s pillars, and we’ve brought our experience and knowledge to the fight against COVID-19, as we have for other global infectious diseases. All of us in our research community can bring our diverse perspectives to tackle this growing challenge.”
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